Find Out More About Our MGU Programs

Caitlin Morgan can create a customized program for your clients that provides greater control over their insurance, emphasizes sound loss control and assists in reducing costs.

Caitlin Morgan: Our MGU Programs

Many clients may have needs that go beyond what is available in the traditional insurance market and require program management and control measures to avoid risk. At Caitlin Morgan Insurance Services, we can help you provide your agency clients with solutions that offer a specialized, tailored alternative risk program approach supported by premier risk management and a risk-financing tool.


We specialize in creating plans for clients, customizing programs to meet expectations, specific requirements and budgets. We provide an alternative to traditional insurance that allows clients to gain greater control over their program, enhance risk management and reduce costs. Our existing MGU programs were formed as a result of the following issues:

Large and rising premium costs in nearly every line of insurance coverage

Difficulty accessing coverage for certain types of risk

Differences in coverage in various parts of the world

Inflexible credit rating structures that reflect market trends rather than individual loss experience

Insufficient credit for deductibles and/or loss control efforts

Our MGU programs include:

We invite you to learn more about us and how we can help you expand your business.

Contact the experts at Caitlin Morgan today and experience the benefits of working with a new kind of MGU and wholesale brokerage. For more information, call 317-575-4440 or

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